Joshua Smith, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chemistry
joshua.smith@alvernia.edu 610.790.1915- Faculty

David Shoup, Ph.D.
Dean: College of STEAM
College of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics
david.shoup@alvernia.edu 610.568.1464- Faculty

Michelle Serapiglia, Ph.D.
Department Chair
michelle.serapiglia@alvernia.edu 610.790.1910- Faculty

Eric Recktenwald, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
eric.recktenwald@alvernia.edu 610.796.8247- Faculty

Peter Rampson, M.A.
Associate Professor of Arts
Fine & Performing Arts
peter.rampson@alvernia.edu 610.796.8330- Faculty

Matthew Prudente, Ph.D.
Department Chair
Mathematics and Technology
matthew.prudente@alvernia.edu 610.796.8257- Faculty

Joseph Kremer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chemistry
joseph.kremer@alvernia.edu 610.790.1959- Faculty

Ondra Kielbasa, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
ondra.kielbasa@alvernia.edu 610.230.5701- Faculty

John E. Donton, B.S., M.L.A.S
Instructor of Biology
john.donton@alvernia.edu 610.790.2714- Faculty

Dolores Bertoti, PT, MS, DPT
Half Time Tenured Professor
College of Health Sciences
dolores.bertoti@alvernia.edu 610.796.8372- Faculty